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TITLE: Shush now, your time will come. 

DIMENSIONS: Height: 4in.

Width: 4.5in.

MEDIUMS: Pre-Processed Clay & Underglaze



Inspired by Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak. I started this piece back in May and it's been sitting on my shelf for months unfinished. I had to sit with this piece before I felt claiming I had the authority to create this body of work as I am not an indigenous artist. Thus am I allowed to create indigenous inspired art? The line between appreciation and appropriation is often hard to distinguish on your own. However I feel it is important as a white artist to use my education to hopefully make the right decisions on my own as to not burden my BIPOC peers with making sure I truly am puting forth what I claim. After many months I came to the conclusion that this piece was not only removed enough from it's origin but also by replicating this style with my own personal twist and contextualizing it in this contemporary context, I hope this piece is furthering the continuation of an artistic and life style that I feel should be continued. 


This is genuinely one of my favorite things I've ever created and I know it's not my typical style but it's definetely a direction I've always been curious to continue down and I hope to expolore creating in this way futher in the future. I don't know if I've ever sat with a piece as long as I did this and I couldn't be more thankful I did. 



Shush now, your time will come. Cup

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